Thursday, 30 December 2010

Tutorial 30.12.10

We covered a lot tonight. An EMQ and three SAQs. The EMQ on staging of cervical cancer illustrates the need to have a list of things to revise in the days before the exam. I can't remember the fine details of staging and I am sure that you are the same. The folic acid question is one of those that could come up and would sink most people, but probably won't ever feature. Fragile X will definitely be an essay one day and most candidates won't have a clue. The farmer's wife essay is unlikely to feature in the exam. I used it as an example of the need for good technique so that you can get enough marks to scrape through when faced with an essay on a topic that you know nothing about.  I wish you all the best for the New Year. If you missed the link above, the tutorial can be found here: If you send me your versions of the essays, I'll send my thoughts. If you can't be bothered to write essays, i.e. you are not serious about preparing for the exam, I won't send my versions.

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