Monday, 28 March 2011

Tutorial 28 March 2011


The last two tutorials were terrible.
I have bought a couple of new microphones to try to improve things.
I don't have time to listen to the whole thing, so let me know how you find it.
We started with a SpR teaching a junior the use of forceps.
A typical station, but one that needs structure.
Then we went on to a roleplay in the colposcopy clinic, which had a number of interesting aspects.

Monday, 21 March 2011

Tutorial 21st. March 2011


Tonight we discussed how to deal with the "laboratory results" station.

The scenarion is that the consultant is away and the secretary gives you a load of results and asks you what action needs to be taken.

The results we discussed were:

Laboratory results.

+ve MSSU at booking. No symptoms.

GTT at 34 weeks. Peak level 11.5.

FBC with ­ MCV at booking.

Thrombocytopenia at booking. 50,000.

Hydatidiform mole after evacuation of suspected miscarriage.

Histology after ERPC for incomplete miscarriage: no trophoblastic tissue.

Endometrial cancer: hysteroscopy: thickened endometrium. Histology: Anaplastic malignancy.

Endometrial cancer: MR scan: reaching serosa and upper endocervical canal.

Consultant does lap drainage of normal looking ovarian cyst. Malignant cells. Nulliparous. Wants children.

HVS: trichomonas.

Clue cells on smear. 12/52 pregnant.

Antenatal discharge: endocervical swab: chlamydia

Actinomyces on smear.

Herpes in pregnancy

Severe dyskaryosis on cervical smear at booking.

Primary infertility: FSH & LH ­ at 25 on day 3 of cycle.

Primary infertility. FSH 3, LH 12 on day 3 of cycle.

Treated with cabergoline for ­ prolactin and pituitary adenoma.
+ve beta HCG.

3 cm. ovarian cyst. ­ Ca 125.

“Miscarriage” ERPC. Histology report: Decidual reaction. No trophoblastic tissue seen.

If you e-mail me your answers, I'll send what I think.

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Tutorial 17th. March 2011

I am afraid that the quality of this podcast is terrible. I must have done something wrong in setting it up.
Fortunately, it was all roleplay technique and we will do this over and over in the tutorials.
So, you will be able to catch up.
Tonight we did our first roleplay, demonstrating the difficulties.
The process needs to be broken into bits and each needs to be practised.
Make sure you get plenty of practice.
Ideally this should be with someone with good English but who is not a doctor.
You tell them to stop you every time you say something they don't understand.
And that includes medical jargon.

Monday, 14 March 2011

Tutorial 14 March 2011

Tonight we covered the technique for dealing with a labour ward scenario.
I e-mailed the scenarios before the tutorial.
If you did not get a copy, send me an e-mail.
The next tutorial will be on Thursday.