Monday, 21 March 2011

Tutorial 21st. March 2011


Tonight we discussed how to deal with the "laboratory results" station.

The scenarion is that the consultant is away and the secretary gives you a load of results and asks you what action needs to be taken.

The results we discussed were:

Laboratory results.

+ve MSSU at booking. No symptoms.

GTT at 34 weeks. Peak level 11.5.

FBC with ­ MCV at booking.

Thrombocytopenia at booking. 50,000.

Hydatidiform mole after evacuation of suspected miscarriage.

Histology after ERPC for incomplete miscarriage: no trophoblastic tissue.

Endometrial cancer: hysteroscopy: thickened endometrium. Histology: Anaplastic malignancy.

Endometrial cancer: MR scan: reaching serosa and upper endocervical canal.

Consultant does lap drainage of normal looking ovarian cyst. Malignant cells. Nulliparous. Wants children.

HVS: trichomonas.

Clue cells on smear. 12/52 pregnant.

Antenatal discharge: endocervical swab: chlamydia

Actinomyces on smear.

Herpes in pregnancy

Severe dyskaryosis on cervical smear at booking.

Primary infertility: FSH & LH ­ at 25 on day 3 of cycle.

Primary infertility. FSH 3, LH 12 on day 3 of cycle.

Treated with cabergoline for ­ prolactin and pituitary adenoma.
+ve beta HCG.

3 cm. ovarian cyst. ­ Ca 125.

“Miscarriage” ERPC. Histology report: Decidual reaction. No trophoblastic tissue seen.

If you e-mail me your answers, I'll send what I think.

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