Thursday 27 September 2012

Tutorial 27th. September 2012

Tutorial 27th. September 2012

We started with a role-play about PMB and then had two vivas:
    Discuss the recent changes in relation to immunisation and screening for cervical cancer.
    You have been asked to write a protocol. Discuss how you would go about it. 

The candidate's instructions for the roleplay were:

Candidate's Instructions.
You are an SpR in the “one-stop” PMB clinic. You are about to see a woman with bleeding some years since her menopause.

Your task is to take an appropriate history and advise her about the investigations you feel are appropriate.

Referral letter from the General Practitioner.

Manor Lodge,
High Street,
BE5 S00

Re: Mrs. Mary Smith,
5b High Street,

Dear Doctor,
Please see Mrs. Smith who has had bleeding.

Yours sincerely,

James Fewords,
General Practitioner.

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