Thursday 11 April 2013

Tutorial 11 April 2013

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Tonight we started with a viva about diathermy.

Suggested structure of a MRCOG viva
1.    What is diathermy?
2.    What kind of current is used?
3.    Why use high frequency current?
4.    What types of current are used?
5.    How is diathermy applied?
6.    Risks of diathermy.

7.    Discuss direct coupling and its implications

8.    Discuss capacitive coupling and its implications.

Then we had a roleplay about pre-menstrual syndrome.

Candidate’s Instructions.

You are a 5th. year SpR and about to see Jane Williams in the gynaecology clinic.
You are to take a relevant history and advise her about management of her problem.

Referral Letter.

The Surgery,
Main Road,

Phone 0845 689 432.

Re. Mrs Jane Williams,
35 High Street,
BK88 4EU
d.o.b. 1 January 1990.

Dear Doctor,
Please see Mrs Williams who has pre-menstrual syndrome. She has tried vitamin B6  with no benefit.
Yours sincerely,
John P. Evans MRCGP, DRCOG.

Then we had a viva about child sexual abuse.
The examiner asked 7 questions.

Examiner’s instructions.
Ask the candidate the following questions.

1.       What is the definition of child sexual abuse?                                                       2 marks
2.       What is the prevalence of sexual abuse of girls?                                                  1 mark
3.       What are the risk factors for child sexual abuse?                                                 5 marks
4.       What behaviours might raise suspicion of child abuse?                                         4 marks
5.       What physical features might raise suspicion of child sexual abuse.                       5 marks
6.       What laboratory results would prove child sexual abuse?                                     2 marks
7.       What actions would you take if you suspected that a child in your gynaecology clinic was the victim of child sexual abuse?                                                                                           1 mark

And finally a viva about writing a protocol.
The examiner did not ask any questions, you just had to think of all the relevant things to say.
Send your answers and I'll send mine.

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