Thursday 22 August 2013

Tutorial 22 August 2013

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Tonight we had one EMQ and 4 SAQs.

EMQ. Drugs in O&G2
Discuss the contra-indications to the use of the COC.
A 53-year-old woman is referred by her GP. She wishes to discuss HRT. She is recovering well from treatment for endometrial cancer.
1. Outline the history you will take.                      4 marks
2. Justify the investigations you will arrange.         2 marks
3. Critically evaluate your management.             14 marks
You see a 25-year-old primigravida at 30 weeks’ gestation in the antenatal clinic after referral by the community midwife who feels that the uterus is large-for-dates.
1. Justify your immediate management.                 6 marks.
2. Justify the management of the remainder of the pregnancy. 4 marks
3. Justify the management of the delivery.             6 marks
4. Justify the advice you will give post-delivery.    4 marks
A 55-year-old woman is referred to the gynaecology clinic. A friend of the same age has recently been found to have osteopenia as has been started on a bisphosphonate drug. She wishes to discuss her risk of osteoporosis and what she can do to reduce it.
1. Discuss how her risk of osteoporosis can be assessed.                  6 marks
2. Critically evaluate the steps that can be taken to reduce her risk.  14 marks

Drugs in Pregnancy. 2
The following scenarios relate to some common drugs used in pregnancy.
Pick one option from the option list. Each option can be used once, more than once or not at all.
NSAID.  non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.
Option list.
I have not given one to make you think! And, in the exam, you should be deciding your answer before you check the option list.
Scenario 1.
What is the generic name for Prostin?
Scenario 2.
What kind of drug is Prostin?
Scenario 3.
What is the generic name for Misoprostol?
Scenario 4.
What kind of drug is Misoprostol?
Scenario 5.
What is the generic name for Gemeprost?
Scenario 6.
What kind of drug is Gemeprost?
Scenario 7
What is the generic name for Mifepristone?
Scenario 8
What king of drug is Mifepristone?
Scenario 9
What are the constituents of a 1 ml. ampoule of Syntometrine?
Scenario 10
What is the generic name for Carbetocin?
Scenario 11
What kind of drug is Carbetocin?
Scenario 12
What is the generic name for Hemabate?
Scenario 13
What kind of drug is Hemabate?
Scenario 14
What is the generic name for Atosiban?
Scenario 15
What kind of drug is atosiban?
Scenario 16
What if the generic name for Cervagem?
Scenario 17
What kind of drug is Cervagem?
Scenarion 18
What is the cost of 1mg. of Prostin E2 gel and what are its storage requirements?
Scenarion 19
What is the cost of a 1mg. Gemeprost pessary and what are its storage requirements?
Scenarion 20
What is the cost of 200 mcg. of misoprostol and what are its storage requirements?

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