Thursday 7 May 2015

Tutorial 7th. May 2015

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Viva. Risk management principles
Viva. Coeliac disease and O&G
Viva. Drug licensing.
Viva. Forceps
Viva. Pudendal block.
Viva. PPH.

54    Viva. Risk management principles
         Candidate’s instructions.
         Tell the examiner all you know about the principles of risk management.
         This is an unstructured viva and the examiner will not ask questions or respond in any way.

55    Viva. Coeliac disease and O&G
         Candidate’s instructions.
         The examiner will ask 8 questions.
56    Viva. Drug licensing.
         Candidate’s instructions.
         The examiner will ask a series of 10 questions.
         You can indicate when you wish to move to the next question.
         You are not allowed to return to a previous questions and no marks will be allocated if you do.
         The examiner will not communicate other than to ask the questions and whether you wish to move to the next question if you appear to have completed you answer to the current one.

57.   Viva. Forceps.
         The examiner will ask you to explain the differences in two types of forceps and their uses.

58    Viva. Pudendal block.
         Candidate’s instructions.
         Tell the examiner the key points in relations to:
              the anatomy of the pudendal nerve,
              when pudendal nerve blocks are clinically indicated,
              the risks and limitations of pudendal nerve block,
              how you would perform a pudendal nerve block.

58.   Viva. PPH.
         Candidate’s instructions.
         You have been asked to give a new batch of 4 trainees a teaching session.
         Tell the examiner how you will go about it and what you will include.

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