Thursday 31 March 2016

Tutorial 31st. March 2016

31 March 2016

You would have a 15 minute preparatory stations for questions 9 and 11.
Critique of Menozac website
Basic “blurbs” to write and practise. Setting the scene for breaking bad news, general pre-pregnancy counselling, recessive inheritance, x-linked inheritance etc.
Critique RCOG Pt. Info leaflet Genital Herpes.
Roleplay. PMB.
Viva. Pertussis & pregnancy.

9. Viva. Critique of Menozac website.
Candidate’s instruction.
You are to provide a critique of a website.
Then you have 15 minutes with the examiner to detail your critique.

10. Basic “blurbs”.
You need a number of basic texts that you can use without too much thought. Examples include setting the scene for breaking bad news, general pre-pregnancy counselling, recessive inheritance, x-linked inheritance etc. Write some suitable headings.

11. Critique. The RCOG’s Patient Information Leaflet on genital herpes.

12. Role-play. PMB.
PMB. Role-play.
Candidate’s Instructions.
You are an SpR in the “one-stop” PMB clinic. You are about to see a woman with bleeding some years since her menopause.
A 55 year old woman is referred by her General Practitioner.
Your task is to take an appropriate history and advise her about the investigations you feel are appropriate and why.

Referral letter from the General Practitioner.
Manor Lodge,
High Street,
BE5 S00

Re: Mrs. Mary Smith,   Age 55.
5b High Street,

Dear Doctor,
Please see Mrs. Smith who has had bleeding down below. It is a number of years since she reached the menopause.
Yours sincerely,
James Fewords,
General Practitioner.

13. Viva. Pertussis and pregnancy.
Candidate’s Instructions.

The examiner will ask you 5 questions.

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