Monday 2 May 2016

Tutorial 2nd. May 2016

2 May 2016

Roleplay. Complaint procedures
Roleplay. Forceps delivery
Viva. Bullying and harassment
Roleplay. Hydatidiform mole

41. Roleplay. Complaint procedures.
Candidate's instructions.
You are the SpR in the ante-natal clinic. The consultant has been called to the labour ward to help with a case of placenta accreta and you have been put in charge of the clinic.
Mrs Jones had a “combined test” at 11 weeks which gave a risk of Down’s syndrome of 1: 40. The report had been filed in the notes in error by a clerk without being shown to any of the medical or midwifery staff. She attended today for the routine 20 week scan. The ultrasonographer found the report in the notes, realised that no action had been taken and sent her to see the midwife in the antenatal clinic. The midwife told her the result and made arrangements for the patient to see you today.

42. Role-play. Forceps delivery.
Candidate's Instructions.
This is a role-play station.
You are a year 5 SpR. It is a quiet day on the labour ward.
The consultant has asked you to instruct a new trainee in the use of forceps.

43. Viva. Bullying and harassment.
Candidate’s instructions.
This is a structured viva about bullying and harassment.
The examiner will ask you X questions.

44. Role-play. Hydatidiform mole.
Candidate's Instructions.
You are the SpR in the gynae clinic. The consultant has said that it will be a good experience for you to see the next patient.
She was recently an inpatient for evacuation of retained products after an apparent miscarriage at 8 weeks.
The histology report showed a complete mole.
The GP was contacted and asked to see her. An appointment was sent to her to attend today.
Your task is to take a history and explain the implications of the diagnosis.

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