Monday 10 October 2016

Tutorial 10 October 2016

10 October 2016

Viva. Critique RCOG.s Pt. Info leaflet on Genital Herpes
Viva. Incomplete ECV audit
Role-play. Explain the processes of normal delivery
Role-play. Teach vaginal breech delivery
Viva. Apgar score

30. Viva. Critique RCOG.s Pt. Info leaflet on Genital H*r*es
The leaflet can be downloaded from  the RCOG website.
Apologies for the asterisks! If I put the full word in, there will quickly be a load of testimonials about Dr. Magic and his guaranteed cures for this and all other ailments.
The conmen use clever software that visits all websites looking for key words and automatically uploads their rubbish when they find them. 
I would not like to think that anyone thought I was endorsing such nonsense.

31 Viva. Incomplete ECV audit
Candidate’s instructions.
A colleague who has left the hospital was conducting an audit of ECV.
The audit is incomplete.
The data are:
Consultant A offered ECV to one group of women and had an 70% success rate,
Consultant B offered ECV to a different group and had a 30% success rate,
Consultant C did not offer ECV at all.
Tell the examiner how you would go about completing this audit.`

32. Role-play. Explain the processes of normal labour & delivery
Candidate’s instructions.
You are the SpR on call for the delivery unit. It is unusually quiet. The on-call consultant has asked you to explain normal labour and delivery to a medical student who started with the department yesterday.

33. Role-play. Teach vaginal breech delivery
Candidate’s instructions.
You are the SpR on call for the delivery unit. It is still unusually quiet. The on-call consultant has been told that you did a brilliant job of explaining normal labour and delivers. She has asked you to explain vaginal breech delivery to a new FY2, who is keen on a career in O&G.

34. Viva. Apgar Score.
Candidate's Instructions.
This is a viva station.
The examiner will ask you 8 questions.
You are not allowed to return to earlier questions. You will not be awarded any marks if you do, even for correct answers.

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