Thursday 22 March 2018

Tutorial 22nd. March 2018

22 March 2018
Role-play. Neonatal screening.
Viva. Premature ovarian insufficiency
Roleplay. Booking. Previous SB.
Viva. Apgar score.

18. Neonatal Screening.
Candidate’s instructions.
You are a SpR in year 5.
You are in the antenatal booking clinic and about to see Mary Eccles. She has been booked in by a midwife at 10 weeks’ gestation and all is well. She has recently arrived in the UK from the USA and asked about the routine neonatal screening that is done in the UK. She will be having the baby in the UK.

19. Premature ovarian insufficiency
Candidate’s instructions.
This is a structured viva. The examiner will ask 10 questions.
You cannot return to previous questions. If you do, no marks will be allocated, even for correct answers. The examiner may suggest that you move to the next question if you have completed an answer or are taking too long.

20. Roleplay. Booking. Previous SB.
Candidate's Instructions.
This is a roleplay station. You are an SpR in the booking clinic. You are about to see a woman who is at 10 weeks gestation in her second pregnancy. Her first baby was stillborn.
She has had all the routine booking, including investigations, dealt with by the midwife who has asked you to see her to advise about her first pregnancy and its implications for the management of this pregnancy.
Take an appropriate history, advise about the necessary investigations and how the history of stillbirth will influence the management of the pregnancy.

21. Viva. Apgar score.
Candidate's Instructions.
This is a viva station.
The examiner will ask you 8 questions.

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