Monday, 23 April 2018

Tutorial 23rd. April 2018

23 April 2018
Viva. Suspected bowel injury at laparoscopy
Role-play. Suspected bowel injury at laparoscopy: follow-on
Viva. Diathermy
Role-play. Teach breech delivery to new trainee

46. Suspected bowel injury at laparoscopy
Candidate’s instructions.
This is a viva station.
You are an SpR. You are in the process of performing laparoscopy for a patient with 1ry. infertility. On inserting the laparoscope you suspect that the cannula is in the bowel.
Your task is to explain to the examiner all the steps you will consider taking from recognising the possibility through to the woman’s discharge.
This is an unstructured viva and the examiner will not ask any questions.

47. Suspected bowel injury at laparoscopy: follow-on
Candidate’s instructions.
This is a follow-on from the previous station.
It is now 4 hours since the operation: the woman had a laparotomy to repair the bowel defect. The woman has asked why she has not been allowed to go home. Her sister has come to collect her. The patient is still feeling drowsy and has some pain, so has asked her sister to find out what happened, when she can go home and what it means for her fertility.

48. Diathermy.
Candidate's Instructions.
This is a viva station about diathermy and its uses and complications.
The examiner will ask you 8 questions.
When you have completed an answer you are not allowed to return.

49. Teach breech delivery to a new trainee.
Candidate’s instructions.
You are the SpR on call for the delivery unit. It is still unusually quiet. The on-call consultant has been told that you did a brilliant job of explaining normal labour and delivery on a previous occasion. She has asked you to explain vaginal breech delivery to a new FY2, who is keen on a career in O&G.

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