Thursday, 6 April 2023

Tutorial 6th. April 2023

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EMQ. Whooley questions


Role-play. Medical examiner. Explain to FY1.


Viva. Air travel in pregnancy


Prepare a ‘blurb’. Screening for Down’s syndrome


EMQ Surrogacy


54.         EMQ. Whooley questions.

There is no option list to make it harder – it’s not an EMQ!

1.     When does NICE advise checking for depression in relation to pregnancy?

2.     What is the title of the questions NICE advises asking?

3.     Where were the Whooley questions first validated?

4.     What are the actual questions?

5.     When does NICE advise checking for anxiety in relation to pregnancy?

6.     What is the title of the questions NICE advises asking?

7.     What are the actual questions?


55.         Role-play. Medical examiner. Explain to FY1.

Candidate’s instructions.

You are the registrar on call on the labour ward. It is quiet. You were having a coffee with the consultant and FY1. The FY1 mentioned that she had heard mention of medical examiners yesterday and had not heard of MEs before. The Consultant has told you to tell her about the ME system as if it was a Part 3 station and you are preparing for your Part 3 exam. The Consultant is a Part 3 examiner and has told you that you need to think of how to display senior doctor thinking and not just outline the basics so that you impress as an outstanding candidate.


56.         Viva. Air travel in pregnancy.

Candidate’s instructions.

This is a viva station about air travel & pregnancy.

The examiner will ask you 15 questions.

When you have finished a question, you will not be allowed to return to it as later questions may indicate the answer. If you return, no marks will be awarded, even for correct answers.


57.         Prepare a ‘blurb’. Screening for Down’s syndrome

Candidate’s instructions.

Preparing ‘blurbs’ is basic and Down’s screening is a common topic.

We have done it several times as part of a role-play, but not as an exercise on its own.

This is meant as a reminder that it should be a routine part of your study group activity.


58.         EMQ Surrogacy.


Pick the best choice from the option list for each scenario or ‘True’ or ‘False’.


CF:              commissioning father

CM:            commissioning mother

CPs:            commissioning parents

PO:             parental order

SM:             surrogate mother

Option List.

a)       CM

b)      CF

c)       CPs

d)      SM

e)      Chairman of the HFEA

f)        Senior judge at the Children and Family Court

g)       traditional surrogacy

h)      gestational surrogacy

i)        HFEA

j)        SSAEW

k)       RCOG Surrogacy Sub-Committee

l)        false

m)    true

n)      none of the above


Scenario 1.  List the different types of surrogacy.

Scenario 2. “Gestational” surrogacy has better “take-home-baby” rates than “traditional” surrogacy.

Scenario 3. There are approximately 1,000 surrogate pregnancies per annum in the UK. True/False

Scenario 4. Which national body regulates surrogacy in England?

Scenario 5. Privately-arranged surrogate pregnancies are illegal and those involved are liable to up to 2 years in prison.                                                                                                                          True/False

Scenario 6. List the risks of surrogacy.

Scenario 7. Obstetricians are legally obliged to take the CPs’ wishes into consideration in managing pregnancy complications or problems.

Scenario 8. The psychological outcomes of surrogacy are fully understood.                        True/False.

Scenario 9. The psychological outcomes of surrogacy are more severe after traditional surrogacy.


Scenario 10. Who has the right to arrange TOP if the fetus is found to have a major congenital abnormality?

Scenario 11. A SM decides at 10 weeks that she does not wish to be pregnant and arranges to have a TOP. The CPs. hear about this and object strongly. To whom should they apply to have the TOP blocked?

Scenario 12. A woman has hysterectomy and BSO to deal with extensive endometriosis at the age of 30. She marries two years later and her sister offers to act as surrogate. She undergoes IVF and 4 embryos are created. One is transferred and a successful pregnancy ensues. The baby is adopted by the woman and her husband. The 3 remaining embryos were frozen. Four years later the woman falls out with her sister, but finds another surrogate and wishes to proceed with another pregnancy. The sister says she does not want her eggs to be used and that the frozen embryos should not be transferred. Does the sister have the legal right to block the use of the embryos?    Yes / No.

Scenario 13. A girl born from donor sperm reaches the age of 16 and wishes to know the identity of her genetic father. Does she have the right to this information?                                                   Yes / No.

Scenario 14. A girl born from donor sperm reaches the age of 18 and wins a place at Oxford University to read medicine. Does she have the legal right to get the donor to contribute to her fees?

Yes / No.

Scenario 15. A PO is active from the moment it is completed and signed by the relevant parties. 


Scenario 16. A SM can change her mind at any time and keep the child, even if the egg was not hers. 


Scenario 17. The CPs can change their mind, leaving the SM as the legal mother.         True/False

Scenario 18. A SM’s husband is the legal father until adoption is completed or a PO comes into force.


Scenario 19. A lesbian couple in a stable, co-habiting relationship can be CPs and become the legal parents of the child of a SM.                                                                                                        True/False

Scenario 20. CPs are likely to get faster legal status as the legal parents through application for a PO rather than applying for adoption.                                                                                         True/False






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