Monday, 17 January 2011

Tutorial 17 January 2011


Tonight we discussed 3 topics:
1.            With regard to smoking in pregnancy:
a.      outline the hazards to the mother                            4 marks
b.     outline the hazards to the fetus / child                      6 marks
c.      critically evaluate how smoking cessation programmes can be made more effective.
                                                                                         10 marks

2.            A 30-year-old woman is referred by her General Practitioner with a breast lump which is thought likely  to be a malignancy.
a.      outline the initial management                                                                  6 marks
b.     outline the management if a diagnosis of breast cancer is made              10 marks
c.      outline the advice you will give re breastfeeding, contraception and subsequent pregnancy.
                                                                                                                     4 marks
                                                                                                                                                                  This lead to the realisation that we needed a fair amount of technical information about breast cancer to produce a really good essay. Back to the drawing board!
3.            Critically evaluate neonatal screening.
It may seem an unlikely topic, but it has changed a lot in recent years and patients would be might ask you about it and expect an answer. This makes it a potential MRCOG topic. It is fully covered in the MCQs. Paper 12, question 10.
The podcast can be accessed by clicking on "Tutorial 17 January 2011" above.

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