Monday, 31 January 2011

Tutorial 31 January 2011


Tonight we managed 3 of the 4 proposed topics.

51           With regard to adhesions and gynaecological surgery:
1.            Critically evaluate the importance of adhesion formation after surgery.                 8 marks
2.            Justify the steps you would take to reduce the chance of adhesion formation.     12 marks

52           A healthy, nulliparous woman of 35 years attends for pre-pregnancy counselling. Her brother has cystic fibrosis.
1.            Justify the advice will you give about her risk of being a carrier of cystic fibrosis.     
2.            Justify the advice will you give about her risk of having a child with cystic fibrosis if she is found to be a carrier.
3.            What other advice will you give her?
4.            Justify the tests will you arrange.
5.            Critically evaluate the advice you will give about screening the pregnancy for cystic fibrosis.

53           A recently-arrived immigrant woman is referred to the booking clinic at 8 weeks gestation in her first pregnancy. Her GP has investigated a chronic cough and a chest x-ray taken a few days ago has been reported as showing probable tuberculosis.
1.            Critically evaluate the effects of tuberculosis on pregnancy.                
                                                                                                       2 marks.
2.            Critically evaluate the effects of pregnancy on tuberculosis.       
                                                                                                       2 marks
3.            Justify your management in the booking clinic.                  10 marks
4.            Justify your management plan for the remainder of the pregnancy and the puerperium.                                                                                     6 marks              
54           How may the morbidity and mortality associated with vasa previa be reduced?     

We will discuss this subject on Thursday.
There is a  SOGC guideline that is worth reading.   
And a  TOG article from 2008.

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