Thursday, 17 February 2011

Tutorial 17th. February 2011



Tonight we discussed the following essay plans:

72     Describe the pre-conceptual counselling that you would offer a 25- year-old nulliparous woman whose natural father suffers from Haemophilia A (Factor VIII deficiency).
This essay, worded as above, came in 1997.        

73     A 30-year old woman presents with supra-pubic pain unless her bladder is empty and frequency of micturition. Several MSSUs have shown no evidence of infection.
1. Justify the history you will take.                    6 marks
2. Justify the investigations you will arrange.      6 marks
3. Justify your management.                             8 marks
This has not come in the essays, but there was a TOG article in 2007 and one in OGRM in 2009.  

74     A woman with a twin pregnancy reports reduced fetal movements at 30 weeks. An USSS shows the demise of one fetus.
1. Justify the history you will take.                    6 marks
2. Justify the investigations you will arrange.  6 marks
3. Justify your management.                               8 marks
This topic came in the essays in 1998, but not since. Twins + prem labour came in 06 and TTS in 08. TOG had a good article on controversies in the mgt of twins in 2010 and one on twins in the same year. It has to come soon and my guess is that demise of one twin is the likeliest. 

75     With regard to domestic violence:
1. Outline why it is important.                                                           6 mks.
2. Outline the key aspects of the mgt.of a case of DV.                     10 mks.
3. How may the detection of DV be improved?                                 8 mks.
This came in the essays in 2001 and 2007.

We finished these by 20.30, so went back to essay 63 that we had not had time to discuss last week.

63     You have been asked to prepare a lecture on risk management in obstetrics for the trainees in your department.
Critically evaluate the key messages you will include in the presentation.              

We have done well to get up to essay topic 75 in this session, particularly as we have 2 weeks to go to the exam.

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