Thursday, 3 February 2011

Tutorial 3rd. February

Tonight we discussed an EMQ about cystic fibrosis. This is a favourite for the exam. There are some examples in MCQ Paper 2, question 1 or, more precisely, in the answer, but you are best to start with the question and work towards the EMQs.
The topics we discussed were as follows:
1.    How may the morbidity and mortality associated with vasa previa be reduced?
            TOG 2008.
2.    A 20 year-old woman with a known history of drug abuse attends the hospital antenatal booking clinic in her first pregnancy.
a.    outline the factors determining her level of risk       4 marks.
b.    outline the risks to the mother                                  6 marks.         
c.    outline the risks to the fetus                                      4 marks.
d.    outline the risks to the neonate & infant                   4 marks.
e.    outline the risk to others                                            2 marks.
TOG 2000, OGRM 2010.
3.    Critically evaluate the non-contraceptive benefits of combined oral contraception.
       Essays 1998
4.    A woman complains of breakthrough bleeding on oral contraception.
a.    justify the history you will take                                  6 marks.
b.    justify the examination you will perform.                  4 marks.
c.    justify the investigations you will arrange.                4 marks.
d.    justify the advice and treatments you will give.        6marks.
FSRH guideline.
5.    A woman is referred to the gynaecology clinic requesting sterilisation.
a.    Critically evaluate the history you will take.                     8 marks.
b..   Critically evaluate the advice you will give.                   12 marks.


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