Monday, 16 May 2011

Tutorial 16th. May 2011

Tonight we started the preparation for the written. There is advice about this here.
We started by writing an essay plan for a woman of 55 who had been referred after an episode of PMB. The question was "Critically evaluate the management". If you write an essay or a plan for an essay and e-mail it to me, I'll send you my thoughts. I cannot offer to mark and criticise every essay I get - it would become a near-full-time job and I have not got the time. But writing essays is essential. Get started now and always do them under exam conditions. I.e. with no preparation and within the exam time limits.
Then we tried to remember the 10 top recommendations from the recent maternal mortality report. You will need to know the report well and the recommendations would make a perfect essay or OSCE. The report is discussed here.
Then we wrote a plan for an essay: "Critically evaluate the management of asthma in relation to pregnancy". Again, send me your thoughts and I'll try to produce something as well.
Finally we did an EMQ from the book by Sinha and Mishra. I only got it today, so I have not had a chance to read and evaluate it.

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