Thursday, 19 May 2011

Tutorial 19th. May 2011

Tonight we discussed plans for 3 essays.
Question 1.
A 40-year-old woman books at 6 weeks gestation with a singleton pregnancy.  The GP referral letter states that she wishes to discuss amniocentesis in relation to her risk of Down syndrome.
1.            Outline the important facts to be elicited from the history.          5 marks
2.            Justify the information you would provide.                               10 marks
3.            Outline the other important issues to discuss.                          5 marks

Question 2.
You are an SpR in O&G and in the gynaecology clinic.
You are about to see a patient. The GP referral letter reads: “This woman would like to conceive. She has scanty periods and is overweight. Please see  and advise”.
1.            Outline the key elements of the history you will take.                      8 marks
2.            Outline the main issues to discuss with her.                                 12 marks

Question 3.
A woman attends for pre-pregnancy counselling. Her father has severe haemophilia A.
1.            Outline the key elements of the history you will take.           8 marks
2.            Justify the investigations you will arrange.                           6 marks
3.            Outline the information you will give.                                   6 marks

I assembled these just before the tutorial. If you send me your plans or essays, I'll let you know my thoughts. I cannot offer to mark and comment on each essay. There are too many of them and it would become a full-time job.
This week I had a copy of an EMQ book delivered. It is "EMQs for the NRCOG part 2 in Obstetrics" by Sinha and Mishra and published by Ansham. So far we have found it OK, unlike most of the similar books I have looked at. But it is probably a bit too early to suggest that you buy it. We'll discuss a few more questions from it next week, by which time its usefulness should be a bit clearer.

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