Thursday, 10 May 2012

Tutorial 10 May 2012


Tonight we had an excellent tutorial by Alison Jobling, Consultant Paediatrician, on neonatal resuscitation. Her expertise shone!
Unfortunately, I was so engrossed listening to her talk, that I forgot to switch on the recording and the first five minutes or so were lost. Fortunately, she discussed the background physiology during this time and I had remembered to turn on the recording by the time she got to the clinical issues.
The physiology and the other key aspects of the subject are covered in the Resuscitation Council's document which you can find here:
I would recommend that you read it.
One other point that she stressed that was not recorded is the need to avoid hypothermia. All babies need to be dried and wrapped. The heater on the resuscitaire should be on maximum. Premature babies should be dried and put in a plastic bag up to their necks. She stated that a major determinant of outcome was the temperature on admission to the neonatal unit.
For all of you who are sitting the exam, my best wishes go with you and a plea that you write down everything you can remember and e-mail it to me.
I look forward to seeing your name on the pass list.

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