Monday 10 April 2017

Tutorial 10th. April 2017

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10 April 2017
Role-play. Fragile X syndrome

Viva. Diathermy

Role-play. Teach an FY1 the basics of audit

Candidate’s instructions.
Monday. 0900 hours.  You have just come on duty.
Mrs A
Para 0+0
25 yrs
41 weeks. In labour 12 hours. Cx 8 cm. No progress for 4 hours. "Dips" reported on CTG
Mrs B
Para 1+2
31 yrs
28 weeks. Just admitted. "Show" + contractions
Mrs C
Para 5+3
40 yrs
In labour 8 hours. Cx 6 cm. dilated
Mrs D
Para 1+3
27 yrs
37 weeks. Diabetes. Admitted ½ hour previously. Previous Caesarean section.
Mrs E
Para 1+2
32 yrs
40 weeks. Previous 9 lb. baby. In the second stage for 1 ½ hours.
Miss F
Para 0+0
15 yrs
34 weeks. Concealed pregnancy. In labour. Just admitted. Breech presentation
Mrs G
Para 1+2
34  yrs
26 weeks. Admitted with severe abdominal pain
Mrs H
Para 2+1
32  yrs
39 weeks. In early labour.
Mrs I
Para 1+0
29 yrs
Delivered two hours previously by Caesarean section for severe pre-eclampsia. Diastolic BP / 110. Urine output 50 ml. since delivery
Mrs J
Para 1+0
30 yrs
Normal delivery + PPH >1,500 ml. one hour ago

Medical staff:
Consultant:                      in his Rooms.
You:                                   Registrar.
Foundation Year 2          six months’ experience.
Registrar in anaesthetics.
Midwifery staff:
Senior Sister.
Two staff midwives.
One community midwife.
Two student midwives.

24. Roleplay. Fragile X syndrome.
Candidate's Instructions.
You are about to see Mary White who has been booked in with her first pregnancy by the midwife in the antenatal clinic. The midwife has asked you to see her as Mary has told her that there is a family history of Fragile X syndrome.
Your task is to discuss Fragile X syndrome and the implications for Mary, the pregnancy and her father.

25. Viva. Diathermy
Candidate's Instructions.
This is a viva station about diathermy and its uses and complications.
The examiner will ask you 8 questions.

26. Role-play. Teach an FY1 the basics of audit.
Candidate’s instructions.
You are the SpR on call for the labour ward.
It is a quiet afternoon: all the patients are healthy and in normal labour.
Dr. Jane Jones has started in the department as a new FY1. She is keen to specialise in O&G and has already passed the Part 1 examination.
A measure of her enthusiasm is that she has asked her consultant if she can be involved in doing an audit, but she is aware that she knows little about it.
Her consultant happens to be the consultant on duty for the labour ward and has asked you to ensure that she has enough knowledge to be a useful member of a team conducting an audit.

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