Thursday 20 April 2017

Tutorial 20th. April 2017

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20 April 2017

Viva. Enhanced recovery
Viva. Incomplete ECV audit
Role-play. Explain normal labour & delivery
Role-play. Teach vaginal breech delivery
Viva. Apgar score

31. Viva. Enhanced recovery.
Candidate's instructions.
You are a newly-appointed consultant.
The Clinical Director has asked you to develop a programme for enhanced recovery for inpatient gynaecological surgery.
As a first step, she has asked you to deliver a talk to a unit meeting (all staff can attend) to outline the key features of enhanced recovery.
She suspects that little is known by most of the staff about the subject and hopes that your talk will encourage their enthusiastic participation.
The examiner will ask you 9 questions pertinent to your talk.

32. Roleplay. Incomplete audit.
Candidate’s instructions.
A colleague who has left the hospital was conducting an audit of ECV.
The audit is incomplete.
The data are:
Consultant A offered ECV to one group of women and had an 70% success rate,
Consultant B offered ECV to a different group and had a 30% success rate,
Consultant C did not offer ECV at all.
Tell the examiner how you would go about completing this audit.`

33. Viva. Teach normal labour and delivery.
Candidate’s instructions.
You are the SpR on call for the delivery unit. It is unusually quiet. The on-call consultant has asked you to explain normal labour and delivery to a medical student who started with the department yesterday.

34. Viva. Teach breech delivery.
Candidate’s instructions.
You are an SpR5 and on duty of the labour ward. For once things are quiet and the consultant has asked you to teach a new FY1 about breech delivery.

35. Viva. Apgar score.
Candidate's Instructions.
This is a viva station.
The examiner will ask you 8 questions.

You are not allowed to return to earlier questions. You will not be awarded any marks if you do, even for correct answers.

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