Thursday, 15 October 2020

Tutorial 15 October 2020

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Role-play.  Previous SB. BP. IUGR. Complaint.


Viva. Asymptomatic bacteriuria and pregnancy


Role-play. Transgender. Menorrhagia. Emily, Rob

 96.   Role-play. Previous SB. BP. IUGR. Complaint.

Candidate’s instructions.

You are a year 5 SpR. Andrea Mather has booked for care in her second pregnancy. Her first baby was stillborn at 39 weeks. The midwife who did the booking has asked you to see her to discuss the implications for this pregnancy. Dr. Reid, the consultant, has said that you need to learn how to deal with difficult situations, but to discuss your proposed management with her before the patient leaves the clinic.

GP referral letter.

Please see Andrea Mather who is pregnant for the 2nd. time, LMP 26th. June. Dr. Jones, a young colleague, who has a particular interest in obstetrics and is a member of the RCOG, scanned her today and the pregnancy is viable, looks normal and the gestation fits with the LMP.

Sadly, Andrea’s first pregnancy ended disastrously: the baby was stillborn. Andrea and her family have concerns about the care she received at the hospital and believe that she should make a formal complaint. I have spoken to Dr. Reid by phone to alert her to this sensitive issue. The problem is that Andrea was referred by Sister Williams, our midwife, at 38 weeks with hypertension and an impression of IUGR. Andrea says that no investigation was done, not even a scan. She was discharged and told to see Sister Williams a week later. Sister Williams had the nasty experience at that appointment of having to inform Anrea that fetal heart activity could not be detected. Dr. Jones was not available to scan her, but a scan at the hospital confirmed FDIU. The baby only weighed 3 lb. I had a letter from a Dr. Reynold’s after Andrea’s follow up visit six weeks later. He indicated that he was a SpR. The letter was very brief and only stated that no explanation was found. I presume that some kind of perinatal review process was instituted, but I have not received any information about this or any conclusions or recommendations.

Andrea has been greatly traumatised but has had good support from Jane, your bereavement midwife, Sister Williams, Dr. Jones and Susan, our health visitor. Andrea’s mother, who used to be a nurse, has made it clear that she believes Andrea’s care was negligent and that Andrea should complain. Dr. Reid is aware of this. I should be most appreciative if Andrea could be under senior review and I could have a comprehensive plan for the pregnancy and delivery so that Dr. Jones, Sister Williams and I can give her the maximum support during what is bound to be a very stressful time.

Yours sincerely,

Mary Goodfellow.


97.   Viva. Asymptomatic bacteriuria and pregnancy.

Candidate’s instructions.

The examiner will ask you 14 questions – and maybe a few more as I have written this question today and may yet think of a few more.


98.   Role-play. Transgender. Menorrhagia. Emily, Rob.

This question was written by Emily Wright, prompted by teaching on transgender issues by her colleague Rob Cumming.

Candidate’s instructions.

You are an ST5 doctor in the gynaecology clinic, your next patient is Mr Michael Williams; you have received the following letter from the GP.

Take a history from the patient and make a management plan.
Dear Doctor,

I would be most grateful if you could see Michael Williams, a 23-year-old transgender man. He is currently suffering with menorrhagia. He was referred to the gender identify one year ago but the waiting list for a first appointment is two years. I would be most grateful for your expert opinion - I know Michael is quite keen to discuss surgical options.

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