Monday, 26 October 2020

Tutorial 26th. October 2020

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Role-play. Androgen insensitivity syndrome.


Role-play. Fetal death in utero. FDIU.


107.      Androgen insensitivity syndrome.

Candidate's Instructions.

The patient is Anastasia Johnstone. She is 17 years old. She attended the gynaecology clinic 1 month ago with primary amenorrhoea. Clinical examination showed an apparently normal young woman with normal breast development but absent pubic and axillary hair. The external genitalia appeared normal. Vaginal examination was not attempted.

She has come today for the results of an ultrasound scan and blood tests. The scan shows absence of the uterus. There are no ovaries in the pelvis. There are bilateral groin masses. The karyotype is 46XY.

Your tasks are to explain the results and their implications and to answer her questions.


108.      Role-play. Fetal death in utero. FDIU.

Candidate’s instructions.

You are an SpR and were successful in a consultant interview last week. You are now working your notice period before taking up your new post, which has a particular component in labour ward management.

Anne West is a 25-year-old primigravida who delivered a stillborn baby in the night. Her husband works in Saudi Arabia and won’t be able to get home until tomorrow. She has opted to stay in hospital until then. The pregnancy was normal. She noted reduced fetal movements the day before yesterday. There were no movements when she awoke, so she phoned the labour ward and was advised to attend. Fetal heart activity could not be detected and an ultrasound scan confirmed fetal death in utero. A detailed scan was not done because of her distress, but no gross abnormality was seen and the liquor volume looked reduced but in the normal range. The cervix was noted to be effaced and 2 cm. dilated. She opted to have labour induced immediately and arranged for her sister to be with her as her husband works overseas. The labour was normal, as was the delivery.

Your consultant has said that it will be good experience to take responsibility for talking to her about bereavement and permission for post-mortem examination.

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