Tonight we had 4 essays.
I hope you find them interesting.
Question 1.
A woman is found to have a haemoglobin value of 10 gm. / dL. at 28 weeks gestation.
1. list the main causes of anaemia in pregnancy. 6 marks.
2. outline the main concerns you will have about this level of anaemia. 4 marks.
2. critically evaluate the main elements of the investigation. 4 marks.
3. critically evaluate the management. 6 marks.
Question 2.
A healthy primigravid woman is found to have a breech presentation at 36 weeks. Critically evaluate the management.
1. outline the investigations you will arrange. 6 marks.
2. critically evaluate your management. 14 marks.
Question 3.
A woman is found to have a temperature of 39.0 C. on the second day after a normal delivery.
1. what is the definition of puerperal pyrexia? 2 marks.
2. is puerperal pyrexia a notifiable disease? 2 marks.
3. critically evaluate your investigation. 8 marks.
3. critically evaluate the management. 8 marks.
Question 4.
In relation to “Surviving sepsis”.
1. outline the key elements of the initial management. 6 marks.
2. outline the key elements of monitoring the patient’s condition. 4 marks.
2. outline the key elements of fluid management. 4 marks.
3. critically evaluate the use of corticosteroids. 2 marks.
4. critically evaluate antibiotic therapy. 4 marks.