Monday, 18 July 2011

Tutorial 18 July 2011

Tonight's essays.
Question 1.
A 25-year-old primigravida attends for a routine scan and echogenic bowel is noted.
1. What is the advice of the National Screening Committee in relation to “soft markers"? 
                                                                               6 marks.
2. What conditions are linked to echogenic bowel?      6 marks.
3. Justify your management.                                    12 marks.

Question 2.
A woman is referred to the pre-pregnancy counselling clinic. She had Caesarean section with her previous pregnancy.
1.  Outline the history you will take.                   6 marks.
2.  Justify the investigations you will arrange.      4 marks.
3.  Justify the advice you will give.                    10 marks.

Question 3.
With regard to epidural anaesthesia in obstetrics:
1.  Outline the main differences between it and spinal anaesthesia.       6 marks.
2.   Outline the main techniques and drugs used.                                4 marks.
2.  Evaluate the main contraindications.                                              4 marks.
3.  Discuss the main uses.                                                                6 marks.

Question 4.
A woman attends the antenatal clinic at 36 weeks. She had read an article in a woman’s magazine about the merits of commercial umbilical cord blood banking and would like to have this done.
1.   Justify the history you will take.                  4 marks
2.   Justify the investigations you will arrange.    2 marks
3.  Justify your management.                          14 marks

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