Monday, 11 July 2011

Tutorial 11 July 2011

Tonight we dicussed 4 topics and demonstrated that we had not read the GTGs in sufficient detail!

Question 1.
A primigravida collapses 1 hour after normal vaginal delivery.
1. Critically evaluate the differential diagnosis of maternal collapse.    6 marks.
2. How may impending maternal collapse be recognised.                 4  marks.
2. Critically evaluate the management of this woman.                      10 marks.

Question 2.
Obstetric cholestasis.
1. Outline the symptoms associated with OC.                                                               4 marks.
2. Critically evaluate the differential diagnosis of OC and the key investigations.        6 marks.
3. Outline the maternal and fetal risks of OC.                                                           4 marks.
4. Justify your management of a case of OC diagnosed at 28 weeks.                        6 marks.

Question 3.
Critically evaluate alternatives to oestrogen HRT in the management of the menopause.

Question 4.
In relation to diagnostic laparoscopy, critically evaluate:
1. the issues to be discussed in obtaining informed consent                       4 marks.
2. the factors that increase the incidence of entry-related injury                 4 marks.
3. how entry-related injuries may be minimised                                       12 marks.

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