Monday 18 March 2013

!8 March 2013

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Tonight we discussed an adverse incident report and did a critique of the RCOG's patient information leaflet on genital herpes in pregnancy.
There is a lot in both topics and you need to develop technique.

We also did a roleplay.

Candidate's Instructions.

This is a role-play station. The role-player will act as the patient. An examiner will be present.

You are the SpR in the ante-natal clinic. The Consultant who was in clinic has been asked to assist her Consultant colleague in the labour ward theatre. She is unlikely to return for some time as the case is one of massive PPH and hysterectomy may be necessary.
One of the midwives asks you to see a patient who has just had a scan.
She is primigravid and the gestation is 8 weeks. She has had some bleeding.
An ultrasound scan = IUP. CRL = 12 mm. No fetal heart activity. 

The role-play illustrated how hard these are and how much practice is needed to get good.

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