17 March 2016
How to prepare. Picking a course.
Barriers to communication. What communication barriers
exist between me and those attending the tutorial? We can use this as a basis
to consider the communication problems between us, patients and colleagues.
Role-play: how to introduce oneself.
Viva. Labour ward scenario 1.
Role-play: Healthy, nulliparous woman. Brother with
cystic fibrosis. Pre-pregnancy counselling.
4. Viva. Labour Ward Scenario 1.
Sunday 13.00 hours.
Labour ward.
Mrs JH
Primigravida. T+8. In labour. 6 cms.
Mrs AH
Primigravida at T. In labour. 5 cms.
Mrs. BH
Para 2. 30 days post delivery. 2ry. PPH > 1,000 ml.
Hb. 9.3.
Mrs SB
Primigravida. 32/52 gestation. Admitted 30 minutes ago.
Abdominal pain + 200 ml. bleeding. Nephrostomy tube in situ - not draining
since this morning. Low placenta on 20 week scan.
Mrs KW
Para 1. In labour. Cx. 5 cm. Ceph at spines.
Mrs KT
Para 0+1. 38 weeks. SROM. Ceph 2 cm. above
spines. Clear liquor.
Mrs TB
Para 1. T+4. Clinically big baby. Cx fully
dilated for 1 hour. Early decelerations.
Mrs RJ
Primigravida. Epidural. RIF pain. Cx fully dilated for
1 hour. Shallow late decelerations. OT position. Distressed ++. BP /105. ++
protein. Urine output 50 ml in past 4 hours.
Mrs KC
Transfer from ICU. 13 days after delivery of 32 week
twins. Laparotomy on day 7 for pelvic pain and fever. Infected endometriotic
cyst removed. IV antibiotics changed to oral.
Gynaecology ward.
8 major post operative cases who have been seen on the
morning ward round and are stable. Husband of patient who has had Wertheim' s hysterectomy asking to see a doctor for a report
on the operation.
Mrs JB
10 week incomplete miscarriage. Hb. 10.8. Moderate
fresh bleeding.
19 years old. Nulliparous. Just admitted with left
iliac fossa pain. Scan shows unilocular 5 cm. ovarian cyst.
Medical staff:
Consultant at home. Registrar - you.
Senior House Officer with 12 months experience.
Registrar in Anaesthesia.
Consultant Anaesthetist on call at home.
Midwifery staff:
Senior Sister. Trained
to take theatre cases. Able to site IV infusions and suture episiotomies and
3 staff midwives. 1 trained to take theatre cases. Two
able to site IV infusions.
1 Community midwife looking after Mrs. KW.
2 Pupil Midwives.
5. Roleplay. Cystic fibrosis.
Candidate's Instructions.
You are the SpR running the pre-pregnancy counselling
clinic. You have a GP referral letter relating to the patient you are about to
see. You are to deal with the patient as you would in a real pre-pregnancy
GP Letter.
The Surgery,
High Street,
Dear Doctor,
Please see Mary White who is planning her first
pregnancy. Her brother has cystic fibrosis. I am not an expert in this subject but
have stressed that the risk of her having a child with cystic fibrosis is high
and that she needs to be aware that there is a distinct likelihood that any
pregnancy would be likely to be affected and need TOP.
Dr. N. O. Yews.
LR8:need urgent review. Inform consultant. Inform anaesthetic. MW order to shift pt.to OT forOVD if failed proceed to C/S ctg monitor
ReplyDeleteLR4:preterm placenta previous. Community midwife for observe aMt of balding. Group and crosshatch bldg
LR7:pt.may go in shoulder dystopia fully SS all handle and let me know.continuous CTG
LR3:secondary pp. SHO should see in illumination. Mw to maintain I/V line and arrange and transfusion 2 unit bld
Gynae1: seen by anaesthetic on call.MW to maintain i/v line.prepare for D/ E
LR1:in labour assess after 4 hrs.
LR2:in labour assess afterwards. Not urgent
LR5:tell MW to start Santo
LR6:leave for spontaneous labour
LR9:not urgent. Tell pupil midwife to change to oral medicine.
Gynae2:most probably haemorrhage cyst.not urgent.just observe.