Monday, 9 April 2012

Tutorial 9th. April 2012


Tonight we started with a viva on shoulder dystocia.
This has come several times in the OSCE and is likely to do so again in the near future as there is a recent Greentop guideline.

Then we went on to a viva on "Enhanced Recovery". I heard this discussed at a meeting at the College a couple of years ago and there is a draft SAC paper on the RCOG website. This has to be in the exam soon.
Unfortunately, I turned off the recording while they were writing their thoughts and forgot to turn it back on again!
All is not lost, as I have a paper summarising the facts which I will send to those who send me their plan for a viva on the subject.
Then, in the last few minutes, we discussed the recent changes to the cervical cytology programme in relation to HPV.
The first is that the UK vaccination programme started with Cervarix, a bivalent vaccine. From September this year Gardasil, a quadrivalent vaccine, will be used.
The next is that HPV "triage" will be introduced in 2011 - 2 and "test of cure" will follow in 2012-3.
Send me what you know on the subject and I'll send you my version.

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