Monday 14 October 2013

Tutorial 14th. October 2013

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Tonight we had two role-plays and a viva.

Role-play 1.

Candidate’s instruction.
You have been asked to see this woman in the gynaecology clinic. You have a copy of the GP letter.
Your task is to take an appropriate history and advise about appropriate investigation and initial management.

GP letter.
24 Main Road,
Main Town,
AN35 2EQ

Re Mrs. Jane Brown,
18 Faraday Lane,
Date of birth X-Y-19AB.

Please see this woman who complains of a nasty smell arising from her genital area. I am afraid that I draw the line as sniffing women’s bits and will be pleased to receive your advice.

John Kallman.

Role-play 2.

Candidate’s instruction.
You have been asked to see this woman in the gynaecology clinic. The GP letter just says that her periods seem to have become a problem.
Your task is to take an appropriate history and advise about necessary investigations and the available treatment options.



Candidate’s instructions.
This is a viva station.
The examiner will ask you 6 questions.

Examiner’s instructions.
Ask the following questions.

With regard to breastfeeding.
what are the benefits of breastfeeding?                                                                       8 marks
what are the differences between fore and hind-milk?                                                 1 mark
what is the practical significance of the differences?                                                     1 mark
what are the contraindications to breastfeeding?                                                          2 marks
c. what are the WHO recommendations about duration of breastfeeding?                    2 marks
d. What can be done to promote breastfeeding?                                                          6 marks

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